People have asked my why did I chose the name PaulintheNOW. During the past 30 years of my life, I have heard numerous sermons and lectures about the importance of living in the present. I have read many books about the need to live in the moment. I had a poster in my bathroom that read: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is the most important day in your life." But none of it worked until...
I read Eckart Tolle's book "The Power of Now" and began consciously practicing the message of that book. The fact that yesterday is a "realized Now" and that tomorrow is an "imagined Now," hit me hard. ...Another contributing factor is my job as a hospice chaplain. My constant involvement with death and dying gives me a true appreciation of life and it constantly reminds me that this moment is all I have.....
Living in the moment brought a new peace to my life; it showed in my interactions with society and one day a good friend in my men's group named me Paulinthenow. It gave me more inspiration and challenges me to live the meaning of my name.
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