There are lot of scary things being said during the health care reform debate that are blatant lies, such as "death panels" "government care" etc. The phrase "death panel" does not even appear in the bill. Rightwingnuts such as Sarah Palin have twisted the pages of the bill, which they have not read, to agitate the ignorant masses for political purposes.
The section of the bill they refer to as "death panel", merely encourages doctors to have a conversaton about end of life issues and Advance Directives such as Living Wills, Health Care Surrogates, DNRs, etc. As a hospice chaplain, I highly recommend those conversations for every one, even if you are young, because death is both inevitable and inescapable. Such discussions will help mitigate the fear of death which is so rampant in our society. It will also help curb eighty percent of the health care costs which happen during the last two years of a person's life.
Unbridled capitalism mixed with rampant greed brought us to the brink of an economic collapse. President Obama is trying so hard to prevent such a catastrophe in the future by cutting health care costs through reform. But the special interest groups and corporations that want to make money from the misery of people are totally against reform. Please call or write your elected reps to make your views heard on this issue.
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