Monday, September 9, 2019

Cosmic Kindergarten: Lesson 2: INTER-CONNECTION & INTER-DEPENDENCE

We have been talking about the lessons mother earth teaches us so that we can be happy and joyful tenants on this planet earth. I have identified ten lessons earth teaches us and if we learn from them, we can create heaven on earth. Two weeks ago, we talked in detail about the first lesson, which is Diversity is Divinity distributed.

I said that the diversity we see all around us—the diverse plants, animals and people belonging to 5000 ethnic groups is God's creation. God is present in all of them. Diversity is divinity distributed. When we see God in all of it, accept and appreciate it, our lives will begin to change.

So the second lesson that follows from the notion of diversity is that of inter-dependence. We are part of a universe that is inter-related and inter-dependent. Once I told a friend that the tree was in him and he gave me this funny look?

What do you mean? he asked. Whether you agree with it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, each time you take a breath, you are in communion with plants and trees. The plants receives CO2 from us and give us clean O2. If the trees didn't exist you won't. You are interconnected and interdependent. Once you become aware of this, you will start looking at plants and trees with new eyes.

If the plants don't do photosynthesis and give us O2, we are toast. But without the light from the sun, the plants will be helpless to produce O2. Without the heat from the sun there won't be much evaporation of the oceans. Without evaporation and formation of clouds, there won't be rain. Without rain, the plants wont grow and flourish. See how the whole thing is inter-related.

Let us take the case of the butterfly. The beautiful butterfly that we see freely flying around, was once a caterpillar. It all started when the butterfly laid a small egg on the leaf of a plant. God decided that the butterfly's egg should have a little sticky substance to it so that when it lays the egg on a leaf which tosses in the wind, the egg won't fall off and be destroyed. See how carefully God takes care of the minutest details of the life of a small butterfly. And you think he doesn't care about us humans who are created in the image and likeness of God?

The eggs of birds don't have any sticky substance on them because birds lay their eggs in secure nests. Butterfly don't have that luxury and so God makes special provisions for them. So the egg of the butterfly hatches and grows on the leaf by eating the leaf. So it is dependent on the leaf for its survival. Once it is viable, it moves to the branch of the tree and hangs there for 38 days until the process of metamorphosis is complete and the butterfly is born. Then it needs the nectar from the flowers which grow on plants and turn around and return to the plants to lay an egg on the leaf of that plant. You see the interdependence.

So interconnection and interdependence are inbuilt realities of the universe.

The plants and animals and and sun and moon and other stars of the universe understand that. Mother earth not only understands that , but functions as a safe abode for her creatures, that includes us. She accommodates the large elephants and and smallest ants, the poisonous snakes and the harmless reptiles, the tallest giraffe and the tiniest tortoise. Since it is tinny and close to the ground, God made sure it had a protective shell so that it won't be easily trampled and killed by bigger creatures.

So the plants and every other creature seem to understand the interconnection and interdependence on each other except us, humans. We are too smart. We create divisions between races, cultures and religions.

The root cause of our unhappiness and misery is the mistaken belief that we are separate from the earth and other humans. It is called separation illusion.

It is the thinking that as nations, religions, and races we are separate from other nations and religions and races and that we are better than others that our interests should be taken care of regardless of what happens to others.

I call this illusion because, if you really think about it you will find that we are not separate. Mother earth teaches us a lesson of interconnection and interdependence. You are never going to be happy and joyful in your earthly life, if you refuse to learn that lesson.

Let me share with you a personal story of how I experience that interconnection and interdependence on a daily basis and how it helps me to have a joyful life. I like you to hear it as a meditation.

In 2010, I had knee surgery for a torn meniscus. About six people were directly involved in my surgery; but about six billion were indirectly involved to make it all happen.

Now what do I mean by that? Early that morning, I took a shower in the water that was supplied by the city of Coral Springs. I was thinking of the thousands of people who were involved in the harnessing, purification and channeling of that water to my house on that particular street.

The people who manufactured the pipes that made that water flow safe. The companies that made the water purification chemicals. The people who made the hot water tank in my house; the technicians who installed it. The people in the company that made the shower head. The people at Home Depot who sold it to me. When I think like that, the number of people involved in giving me a hot shower that morning, multiplies by the thousands.

Remember, the the day has barely started, and millions are still going to be involved.

I was wearing a shirt that morning which was made in Bangladesh. The label said: Made in Bangladesh 100% cotton. Usually people don't pay attention to these things but I do, and I make it an occasion for prayer and it has a lot to do with the peace and joy I feel in my life.

I thought of the thousands of people who were involved in making that shirt, starting with the poor villagers who produced the cotton, a grandmother who might have woven that cotton into threads in a small factory in a remote village. Her emotions of fear, and hope or hopelessness have been woven into the threads that made my shirt which is now covering my body. I think of the people who made the machine that stitched my shirt together; the person who folded it, packed it, sealed and placed it on a truck to the nearest railway station. The fears, cares and energies of of all those people are part of the fabric I am wearing that day.

Then I think of the train that transported it to the nearest airport in Bangladesh and off to a cargo plain bound for Arkansas, the headquarters of Walmart. And from there, it is unloaded, coded and re-routed into a truck that goes a 1000 miles to a Walmart in Coral Springs. Think of the thousands of employees whose joint effort made that shirt appear on a rack, and I pick it up, pay for it with a credit card, issued by a bank that has another ten thousand employees, who make sure that Walmart is paid on my behalf. You see the endless connections with people that make it all possible.

I am only talking about the shirt now. The pants I am wearing that day has a story of its own. And don't start me with the Fruit of the Loom underwear.

The day has barely begun, and I have not gotten to the Surgery Center yet. My wife drives me there in a car that has 2200 different parts. Those 2200 parts of the car have been touched by the energy, imagination, and efforts of another million people, not here, but somewhere in Japan.

Then I walk into the Surgery Center, and there is the girl at the front desk, who registers me on a Dell Computer which has 5000 parts, that was made in China...and now another billion Chinese people are getting involved in my life that day.

Then I am taken into the prep room, and I am surrounded by half a dozen people, nurses, anesthesiologist, my doctor, recovery room personnel. I am thinking of all the people who are connected to them by extension, their families, friends, the communities they belong to etc.

Then they put me under, using this sedation medication that was manufactured in a medical lab in Nebraska, shipped via Fed Ex planes and a Fed Ex driver brings it to the facility. An unknown Fed Ex driver and all the people in his life have now gotten involved in my life.

And then there is this million dollar medical equipment with a zillion parts, lights, camera and laser beams that will make three holes on my knee, will probe the damaged area, and this doctor whom I have seen only twice in my entire life, will scrape it, repair it and and make it all right.

That morning, I was held tenderly and directly in the hands of six human beings, but I was indirectly supported and lovingly sustained by the energy of six billion people.

And the funny thing is that I was completely unconscious, totally at the mercy of a group of strangers.

May be not; they are strangers only in a superficial sense. In a deeper sense, they are my spiritual siblings, sharing a home planet. And it doesn't matter one of them was gay, another trans-gendered or another was Black or doesn't' matter...they are all created in the image and likeness of God, all of them children of God.

This is just one scenario of a single human interaction. This happens in our lives, every day. You don't have to go into surgery to experience it. Where ever there is a human interaction or transaction, this scenario of interconnection and interdependence plays out all the time.

It is called unity consciousness. Unity with the entire humanity, and in that unity, divinity is contained.

Apostle Paul is teaching us the same earthly lesson, in today's reading about one body and many parts. Just as each body part is connected to and depended on the other, we are all connected to each other. And we are connected as members of the one body of Christ.

Any sense of selfishness, seclusion and separation is a wound in the body of Christ. Any sense of division, discord, and disunity is a rupture in the body of Christ. It is antithetical to the ethos of the earth which is a unified whole, inviting us to wholeness and holiness.

So let the unity of the universe help us experience unity within us, between us, and around us and inspire us to live as members of the body of Christ, experiencing heaven on earth.

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