Sunday, September 20, 2009

God Is Plural

I just finished reading The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown's latest novel that was released last Tuesday. I have never bought or read a book with such eagerness in such a short time. Five hundred plus five days. It is that interesting. I like this book for its mystery and thrill, but above all for its theology and philosophy of life. There is lot in it that is very theological.It talks about Noetic Science, the theory that people's thought has the power to effect change in the physical world. Brown talks about a new consciousness that is emerging for the better, despite all the doom and gloom around. The last word of this million word novel is HOPE!

I was really inspired by the idea towards the end that the Hebrew word for God - Elohim - is a plural. God is plural. God is a community. We find and experience God best,in a community setting. We are not meant to be alone; no man is an island. Feel the connection with others and you will automatically feel the connection to God.

If you think that you cannot know God or you don't feel God,look around. God is hiding in plane sight in the community that is around you, be it your family, your church your town, your country, your world!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Paul. This is so wonderful. I love it. I am going to buy the book.
